contemporary art gallery Arundel West Sussex UK
tel: +44 1903 885323
Open Tues-Sat 11-4. Sun 12-4
Amanda Wallwork
land marked 2024
Amanda’s practice is concerned with a continuing enquiry into landscape - a quest for a real understanding of what lies beyond the aesthetic. Through drawing, painting, mapping and installation, her work explores our experience of and relationship with land, the impact we have and the marks we leave behind. She is always seeking the narrative of place - fascinated by what you can read in a landscape - interpreting the boundaries, borders, tracks and traces of past human activity and what it reveals about our relationship with the earth. From what can only be seen from above through aerial photography and new remote sensing technology to the secrets beneath our feet and the vast unimaginable timescales of geological deep time.
The Field Map works in this exhibition reference the traces of prehistoric lives. Alongside the very visible and sculptural humps and bumps of burial mounds and earthworks are faint traces of many more undiscovered structures long ploughed away. Invisible from the ground these remains only become apparent when viewed from the air when the sites are revealed as faint marks or changes in colour of soil or vegetation. The work in this series maps those unseen clues to past lives.
Deep Time 27 is from a series of works looking at the rocks beneath our feet and the way these represent the landscapes of millions of years ago. Formed from particles of other rocks and of decaying life, gradually accumulating in layers and slowly compressed, each one encapsulating a record of the conditions at that time.
Click images for details and if you are interested in any of Amanda Wallwork's work please enquire below.