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Louisa Crispin

Winter collection,

Making arrangements


Lost in a world of intricate observations from Nature; entranced by the cycle of growth and decay, Louisa captures the details on beautiful smooth Strathmore Bristol board using ultra sharp pencils.  It's quiet in the studio, distanced from the world as she looks ever closer at plants, insects and birds. Texture, shadows, silhouettes and movement created with marks and tone, it's rarely about colour.


"In 2014 a buff tailed Bumble Bee queen made a nest in our loft space and I spent a fascinating summer watching the family forage in my garden.  After a few months we noticed extra activity as the young males waited for the new queens to emerge and the next generation was on its way.  Bumble Bees do not live a long life and I often found specimens dotted about the garden.  Drawing them was so obvious."


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