contemporary art gallery Arundel West Sussex UK
tel: +44 1903 885323
Open Tues-Sat 11-4. Sun 12-4
Jane Muende
Jane completed a foundation course at Chelsea School of Art before obtaining a Fine Art degree at Winchester School of Art.
From 3D papier mâché pieces to stoneware clay, Jane now works solely with paper porcelain. She likes its translucent and malleable qualities. She often rolls the clay eggshell thin, pushing it to its limits, tearing it and hand building. After hand building each piece is carefully sanded by hand to create a smooth surface on which to draw her marks. Walking gives Jane the space and tranquility needed to visualise the marks and patterns and how to complete the work in the studio.
Monochrome pieces allow Jane to experiment with pattern, seeing how the lines interplay. She works intensively, focusing on each drawn, repeated mark.
Jane's ceramic work allows her to combine making with drawing.